Who we are

The Sandalwood H.O.A. was established to create a safe and friendly place to put down roots. We encourage all home owners to attend the meetings to have your voices heard and have an understanding of what the association does to make your neighborhood better.

Board Members

  • Josh Rakestraw


  • Candice Cardenas

    Vice President

  • Didi Mayer


  • Maggie Patton


  • Coral Westbrooks

    Member at Large

  • Deb Meaders / Lawrence Gibson

    Non-voting Auxiliary members

Upcoming Events

  • No Events

  • Board Meetings

    No board meetings planned

  • Community led get togethers.

    No get togethers planned

HOA Expenses

Here we have laid out all of the things we need to spend your dues on. These are the necessary expenses that come with maintaining the common areas and keeping you informed.